Friday, January 20, 2012
A slab built planter
Who would have thought that instead of building snowmen, we'd have enough water in the neighborhood for rafting--almost. Anyway I've been catching up on some writing, but last week got back in the studio to finish up some honey pots and tumblers for an order. While I worked on glazing my friend came over the studio to make a planter. She had an idea to make a pot with vines. First she rolled some slabs, wrapped a bucket, made a bottom--always scoring or course. Important if you use a form like a bucket, orange juice can or other still form, you need to wrap the form with paper first. Otherwise the clay will stick. Then she started rolling the loose coils. Scratch and wet the coils, but don't press so hard the organic-growing look disappears. Make sure you pull the bucket out before the pot starts to shrink. Remember clay shrinks as it dries and it will crack if something resists this like and immovable form.
This is the way it looks so far. I'll update with the final product. I've decided it's definitely more fun to work with a friend.